Temporary Registration
- Visit our website and check the forms and fees section to download form & email completed forms;
- Fee is $100 per applicant (or if students $10); please bank it in our Bankers – ANZ, Suva. Bank Acc Number: 10737532 SWIFT CODE: ANZBFJFX
- In the first instance, we will need scanned copies of certificates emailed with application ASAP & on arrival certified copies are to be furnished to the Secretariat;
- We will need letter of support from local medical doctor & from sponsoring body;
- Letter of good standing or current practice certificate from applicants country of practice.
- Details of indemnity coverage whilst in Fiji.
- If you are a student, letter of support from your Medical School/University.
- Detailed information of your planned visit. Inter alia, details of actual dates, venues & scope of practice.
- Submit a detailed report after the visit.